Category Archives: Testimonials


vladan-testimonial-personal-trainer-mississaugaI came to Arleigh in the worst shape of my life. I had been physically active for all of my youth and then the last couple of years really let myself go. With a slowing metabolism and a not so slowing appetite my body weight, self image and energy levels truly suffered.

I cannot put into words what Arleigh’s expertise gave me. Through her patience, knowledge, and understanding of exactly what my goals were I was able to achieve all of my goals and learn so much about the art of working out and proper diet.

It is because of Arleigh’s method that I today have not only a body that I am proud of, but that I feel better than I ever have from the inside. I highly recommend Arleigh as a personal trainer and nutritionist to anyone seeking to fully change their life around for the better. Just one bit of advice: GET READY TO WORK!!!

Terry Barrett (R.I.P.)


I’ve been a certified PT since 2012 and I’ve never seen training this effective. Arleigh helped me achieve so much with her boundless knowledge of biomechanics and vast experience.  This is where to come to get what you need and learn what you don’t know.


Testimonial – Helen, Myranda & Austin

helen-testimonial-personal-trainer-mississaugaHelen writes: Arleigh has attended both myself and my daughter MJ on and off for about 8 years. Her commitment to achieving the best results is first class.

I have had extensive joint injuries and numerous surgical procedures with long-term negative results orthopedically with some muscles and tendon damage. Arleigh has helped me with my pain management leading to rehabilitation and off pain medications.

Testimonial – Sebastian


IMG_20151105_203958Testimonial – Sebastian:   Arleigh has a superior knowledge of anatomy and body  mechanics when it comes to training.  It is an absolute pleasure training with her as she teaches me new things every day.  With her knowledge of anatomy and how to address muscle imbalances she has helped me break plateaus and reach new heights in athleticism in a short period of time. Arleigh has also helped coach me through various soft tissue issues that can develop with high-volume training, and that has been extremely valuable to me. Her knowledge of functional training has been very interesting to me from an educational standpoint.  Highly recommended if you want to break plateaus and learn something new every single session.  

Sebastian test

Testimonial – Nancie A.


I lost over 60 lbs with the help of Arleigh. She knows how to give you a workout but the time flies by because of who Arleigh is. Not only do you get a couple of decades worth of incredible experience and expertise but you get some who really cares and who becomes a friend. At 40, I am in the best shape of my life thanks to her dedication passion and inspiration to give her my all during that hour. I trust her and would recommend her to anyone for one-on-one or even small group (2 or 3) people of any fitness level. She really is an incredible trainer and an even better person.

Testimonial – MJ


Testimonial – MJ

In 2007 I was in introduced to Arleigh Winokur by my Mom, Helen Fratton-MacDonald who also trains with her.  Since then I have been honored to have Arleigh as my personal trainer.

Arleigh has not only helped my core and other important elements but also gave insight on what will and what will not work for my body, including a detailed work out and nutrition plan to keep me on track the days I do not see her. Arleigh works with me one on one to guide me and show me exactly what I need to do to achieve my fitness goals. The PT Station is truly like a second home to me, as Arleigh makes it feel so friendly and comfortable, and with a positive and professional environment.

Arleigh has taught me so much.  If I hadn’t met her I may not have been on the path I am now mentally and physically.  She helped me so much with finding myself.  Arleigh, I owe you a lot.  MJ


Testimonial – Leigh

002Tesimonial – Leigh

I lost 60 lbs but realized that I needed some guidance in toning and building muscle. Initially I thought about joining a gym, but it is a bit daunting establishing routines that target the right areas and, frankly, it isn’t always easy staying motivated. The idea of a personal trainer was scary, but once I made an appointment with Arleigh and she stepped me through the first few sessions I knew right away that she was the right choice for me.
Arleigh is great at motivating me to get results. Every session is different and I look forward to seeing her because I know she is helping me get to where I want to be.  If for some reason I can’t keep my appointment, I feel like something is missing from my day.
Arleigh also offered me nutritional counselling, and it wasn’t what I thought it would be. I thought I was eating really well before, but she had so much to teach me.
It is easy to schedule sessions and the option to meet with her on the weekend and evenings gives me the flexibility I need for my active life.
Arleigh is passionate about what she does yet is easy going and always has something funny to say to make the time fly by.
I have been seeing her twice a week and have noticed a big change in my physique.
I would recommend her to anyone and would say “If you want to see results, see Arleigh.”






Testimonial – Deborah

Testimonial – Deborah

Deb WI’ve been working with Arleigh since the middle of 2014 and I couldn’t be happier with the results I’ve had so far. My goal was to be in better shape than I was and to eliminate the knee problems I had been experiencing for many years. For the first time in a very long time, I experienced zero knee fatigue/pain during this year’s ski season. My stamina and endurance have increased dramatically and my body shape has changed for the better. I now look and feel better than I have in years, despite regularly going to fitness classes at the gym. Arleigh switched things up for  me in a huge and very noticeable way. Thank-you Arleigh…I am truly grateful!!!



Testimonial – Lisa S.


Testimonial – Lisa S.

Arleigh and The training Station for me are a great getaway from reality. It’s a place you can go and put everything behind you while focusing on yourself and your goals.

Arleigh helped my lower back in only one session. She pushes you to your limit and while doing it can make you laugh. She is a wealth of knowledge and I recommend her for whatever goals and aspirations you have. Now get going…just do it!! It will be the best thing you ever did for yourself!


Testimonial – Nazia K.

nazia-testimonial-personal-trainer-mississaugaI started training with Arleigh at my heaviest weight and within 6 months I lost over 45lbs! She knows how to train for different body types and give awesome nutritional plans that work for my taste. It was easy and enjoyable. Arleigh’s passion to motivate and help people gain their confidence as well as reach their goals is beyond amazing. I was extremely shy and didn’t want to walk into a gym but with Arlieigh’s personality and great energy at the PT Station, it was very comforting and welcoming. If your looking for a personalized plan to reach your fitness goals, Arleigh is your girl. Thank you Arliegh for your support, enthusiasm and kindness.

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